Reporting Frequently Asked Questions
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What do the graphs show? What does the data mean?
The “X” axis is time (minute, hour or day), and the “Y” axis shows the time, in milliseconds (there are 1,000 milliseconds in a second), for 56 bytes of data to travel from our cloud servers to your home or business’s router.
Our servers are located in the following locations (each of which has Tier 1 Internet connectivity):
Los Angeles, California (CA) - USA (
Seattle, Washington (WA) - USA (
Las Vegas, Nevada (NV) - USA (
Phoenix, Arizona (AZ) - USA (
Denver, Colorado (CO) - USA (
Dallas, Texas (TX) - USA (
Kansas City, Kansas (KS) - USA (
Chicago, Illinois (IL) - USA (
Atlanta, Georgia (GA) - USA (
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (PY) - USA (
Newark, New Jersey (NJ) - USA (
New York City, New York (NY) - USA (
Ottawa, Ontario (OT) - CA (
Our system uses each server for a designated period of time (usually about 90 minutes), and then moves on to the next server – so our tests are truly national in nature. The rotation amongst servers is why you’ll see a variance in response times.
How do I spot trouble?
Response times of more than 100 milliseconds, from any of our servers, signifies less-than-optimal Internet performance. True outages are revealed when the data transmission from our server “times out”: in 5000 milliseconds (5 seconds) of waiting, our server never received a response from your router..
Do your tests degrade my Internet performance?
Impossible. A 56 byte packet of data is the equivalent of our server sending your router a 7 character message – a microscopic amount of data in the world of the Internet.